Why did I start a blog spot... Mainly to just write about my love for fashion, putting little posts up of things I find inspiring to me... Who would of thought it, now with a serious addiction to posting on here, my new hobby, is my new life, its like my new home, unless I have my laptop on me and I'm sitting writing away, I feel lost, trapped, and out of it...
I started blogging back in July, I had no clue what a blog was really for, I just browsed through hundreds daily looking at "really cool" pictures of people posting photos of them self's from lookbook... everyone dressed amazing, taking perfect photos, with the best constructed blogs and a trillion of blogger fans...
So there I started, and I kept going, I joined blogger communities, and browsed for endless hours on google to work out how to make a "Better blog" - Ironically there is no term 'better', Better is a personal taste, some people may like it others wont. I am quite happy with my outcome this November I have had over 2500 people across the globe giving my blog a little clicking, and that's a humbling well deserved feeling.
I am not a fashion blogger, a fashion student, or do I work in the fashion industry, I am a girl sitting on her computer from her living room with Hollyoaks in the background, writing about fashion in my own way, with not the best grammar and phasing.- I was always told I write how I speak, which makes it near impossible for all you readers out there to actually understand the way I am actually talking... (My Yay's, and Wows, and Oppp's probably drive you mental, and im sorry... Oppp's... See!)
In school I hated speaking aloud, I couldn't read from a text book to a class, it made me sick to the stomach, the thought of everyone listening to you! (Urghhh) This tickles me, because now if I had the chance I would stand up sing and probably give you a little dance too, while reading an extract with my many different voices.
Funny how you grow up and realise that nothing really matters isn't it? As long as you are happy and work hard, and realise nothing is perfect, I like to say... A line is a line, a circle is a circle, if a line tried to be a circle it would get nowhere, going round and around never actually finding anything.... (Does that make sense... I don't think it does, but in my brain it does)
I wish I worked in fashion, every bit of my body is eagerly awaiting a "chance" I have no doubt one day I will get there, with or without a degree under my belt. Though I am a firm believer if you pursue your dreams they will come true. I kick my self some days and think why didn't I go to university and study fashion, but at the time, you go with whats right, and for me that was getting a job, and learning some well needed life skills....
I wish everyone who is reading this right now, the most luck in the world, work hard because I can promise you now, things do come of it, I am still awaiting my chance... and I have no worry in one day, maybe not this century...but someday, something will come of it.
Much Love